Nightly Builds

Every night the main branch of SeqAn is fetched and built on a variety of platforms. The results can be seen at the SeqAn CDash site.

The scripts that facilitate this are hosted here. Please note that the linux and macosx directories are outdated, both are now handled by the unix directory.

Unix Script variables




32 or 64 (64 by default)


main, or a valid branch name (main by default)


list of compiler-binaries to use


flags to append to the compiler calls


if set to anything but 0 CTEST will perform memchecks


if set to anything but 0 CTEST will perform coverage checks


Nightly, Experimental or Continuous (defaults to Experimental); this only influences the section where it is printed in CDash


place to store temporary files of run (will be pruned after run; defaults to /tmp)


The place checkouts and builds take place (if unset defaults to TMPDIR, which means it will be pruned; otherwise it will be reused on next run)


number of threads to use (defaults to 1)

Please see the up-to-date variables here.

Unix cron jobs

To setup the build, checkout the subversion directory mentioned above and decide on the variables you wish to set. Remember to give TMPDIR and TESTROOT enough space.

Then open your crontab with

crontab -e

And add the jobs that you wish to have executed. It could look like this:

# Shell variable for cron
# PATH variable for cron
#m h d m w
5  1 * * * MODEL=Nightly TMPDIR=/tmp TESTROOT=${HOME}/nightly-builds/testroot GIT_BRANCH=main  BITS=32 COMPILERS="clang++35 clang++36 clang++37 clang++38 clang++-devel" THREADS=4 nice -n 10 ${HOME}/nightly-builds/unix/bin/ >/dev/null

5  3 * * * MODEL=Nightly TMPDIR=/tmp TESTROOT=${HOME}/nightly-builds/testroot GIT_BRANCH=main  BITS=64 COMPILERS="clang++35 clang++36 clang++37 clang++38 clang++-devel g++49 g++5 g++6" THREADS=4 nice -n 10 ${HOME}/nightly-builds/unix/bin/ >/dev/null

The first columns mean that on the 5th minute of the 1st/3rd hour (1:05am/3:05am) of every day, of every month and every week the subsequent command is executed. The variables are described above.

nice -n 10 ensures that the cron jobs get a low priority so the system remains responsive. The path after that is the path to your svn checkout. The redirection in the end prevents output from spamming your mail account.

Remember to add all folders to the PATH variable that contain binaries which you have added to COMPILERS=.


TODO double check this.

Now, get the build scripts:

copy seqan-src\misc\ctest\ .
copy seqan-src\misc\ctest\Seqan_Nightly.cmake.example Seqan_Nightly.cmake
copy seqan-src\util\cmake\CTestConfig.cmake seqan-src\

Adjust the build name and site name in Seqan_Nightly.cmake. Now, test the setup by running:


Add run_nightly.bat to nightly Scheduled Tasks of Windows (analogously to the CTest Tutorial):

  1. Open Scheduled Tasks from Control Panel.

  2. Select Add Scheduled Task.

  3. Select Next to select command.

  4. Click Browse… and select run_nightly.bat.

  5. Click Next and select name and repetition date. Repetition date for Nightly dashboards should be Daily.

  6. Click Next and select time to start the dashboard.

  7. Click Next and select Open advanced properties... to fine tune the scheduled task.

  8. Select Next and type password of the user.``

  9. Task is created. The Advanced Properties dialog should open.

  10. In advanced properties, specify full command name. It is very important that you use double quotes in case you have spaces in your path.

  11. Select Ok, which will ask for password again.

  12. The new task should be created.