
Generic algorithms usually have to know certain types that correspond to their arguments. An algorithm on containers may need to know which type of values are stored in the string, or what kind of iterator we need to access it. The usual way in the STL is to define the value type of a class like vector as a member typedef of this class, so it can be retrieved by vector::value_type.

Unfortunately member typedef declarations have the same disadvantages as any members: Since they are specified by the class definition, they cannot be changed or added to the class without changing the code of the class, and it is not possible in C++ to define members for built-in types. What we need therefore is a mechanism that returns an output type (e.g. the value type) given an input type (e.g. the string) and doing so does not rely on members of the input type, but instead uses some kind of global interface.

Such task can be performed by metafunctions, also known as type traits. A metafunction is a construct to map some types or constants to other entities like types, constants, functions, or objects at compile time. The name metafunction comes from fact that they can be regarded as part of a meta-programming language that is evaluated during compilation.

In SeqAn we use class templates to implement metafunctions in C++. Generic algorithms usually have to know certain types that correspond to their arguments: An algorithm on strings may need to know which type of characters are stored in the string, or what kind of iterator can be used to browse it. SeqAn uses Metafunctions (also known as “traits”) for that purpose. For example: Assuming that we define a string of amino acids:

    String<AminoAcid> amino_str = "ARN";

Now lets define a function that exchanges the first two values in a string:

void amino_exchangeFirstValues(String<AminoAcid> & str)
    if (length(str) < 2)
    AminoAcid temp = str[0];
    str[0] = str[1];
    str[1] = temp;

Since this function only works for instances of String<AminoAcid>, we could try to make it more general by making a template out of it.

template <typename T>
void general_exchangeFirstValues(T & str)
    if (length(str) < 2)
    AminoAcid temp = str[0];
    str[0] = str[1];
    str[1] = temp;

Now the function works for all sequence types T that store AminoAcid objects, but it will fail for other value types as soon as the variable temp cannot store str[0] anymore. To overcome this problem, we must redefine temp in a way that it can store a value of the correct type. The question is: “Given a arbitrary type T, what is the value type of T?”

The metafunction Value anwers this question: “The value type of T is given by Value<T>::Type.”

Hence, the final version of our function exchangeFirstValues reads as follows:

template <typename T>
void exchangeFirstValues(T & str)
    if (length(str) < 2)
    typename Value<T>::Type temp = str[0];
    str[0] = str[1];
    str[1] = temp;

We can view Value as a kind of “function” that takes T as an argument (in angle brackets) and returns the required value type of T. In fact, Value is not implemented as a C++ function, but as a class template. This class template is specialized for each sequence type T in a way that the typedef Type provides the value type of T. Unfortunately, the current C++ language standard does not allow to write simply “Value<T> temp;”, so we must select the return value by appending “::Type”. The leading “typename” becomes necessary since Value<T>::Type is a type that depends on a template parameter of the surrounding function template.

Type Metafunctions

The metafunction Value is a type metafunction, i.e. it is used to determine a type. Type metafunctions have the form:

typename TypeMetaFunc<T1, T2, ..., TN>::Type

The name of the metafunction
T1, T2, ..., TN
Arguments (types or constants)
The resulting type

The keyword typename must be stated if one of the arguments T1, T2, ..., TN is or uses a template parameter. For example the following piece of code uses the metafunction Iterator to determine an iterator type for a string class:

    String<char> str = "I am a string";
    Iterator<String<char> >::Type it = begin(str);
    while (! atEnd(it, str))
        std::cout << *it;

Value Metafunctions

Metafunctions can also be used to determine constant values at compile time. The general form of value metafunctions is:


The name of the metafunction
T1, T2, ..., TN
Arguments (types or constants)
The resulting constant value

For example the following function prints the length of a fixed sized string using the value metafunction LENGTH:

template <typename T>
void printLenOfFixedSizeString(T const &)
    std::cout << LENGTH<T>::VALUE;

    String<char, Array<100> > my_str;

SeqAn Metafunctions

If you want to search for metafunctions only you can do so by only selecting the metafunction category to the left of the search window at the online documentation.

Assignment 1

Write a generic program that swaps the value ranges [i,i+k) and [j,j+k) of a container str. The container should be specified as a template argument T.
Use the Metafunctions Value to access the type of the elements in the container. Use the function value to assign the values.``

We want to have a generic version, similar to the function ExchangeFirstValues on the previous page.

Hence we could define the function as follows:

template <typename T>
void swap(T & container, int i, int j, int k)

The function is now quite generic allowing any container of type T. In addition we specify two positions that should be swapped (as integers which is not really generic, but it suffices for the demo) an the length of the swapped region. Now we can define a helper variable help, which can be of type T.

    // define helper variable
    T help;
    resize(help, k);

    for (int x = 0; x < k; ++x)
        value(help, x) = container[i + x];

and do the swapping

    for (int x = 0; x < k; ++x)
        value(container, i + x) = value(container, j + x);
    for (int x = 0; x < k; ++x)
        value(container, j + x) = help[x];


Thats it. We can now test our generic swap function using for example a String of characters or a String of integers.

    swap(dna, 1, 4, 2);
    std::cout << dna << "\n";

    swap(numbers, 1, 7, 2);
    for (TIntIterator it = begin(numbers); !atEnd(it); goNext(it))
        std::cout << *it;
    std::cout << "\n";

    return 0;

The whole program taken together looks as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/basic.h>
#include <seqan/stream.h>

using namespace seqan;
template <typename T>
void swap(T & container, int i, int j, int k)
    // define helper variable
    T help;
    resize(help, k);

    for (int x = 0; x < k; ++x)
        value(help, x) = container[i + x];
    for (int x = 0; x < k; ++x)
        value(container, i + x) = value(container, j + x);
    for (int x = 0; x < k; ++x)
        value(container, j + x) = help[x];

int main()
    typedef String<Dna> TDnaString;
    TDnaString dna = "AAAATTTT";

    typedef String<int> TIntString;
    typedef Iterator<String<int>, Rooted>::Type TIntIterator;

    TIntString numbers;
    appendValue(numbers, 1);   appendValue(numbers, 1);   appendValue(numbers, 1);
    appendValue(numbers, 1);   appendValue(numbers, 1);   appendValue(numbers, 1);
    appendValue(numbers, 3);   appendValue(numbers, 3);   appendValue(numbers, 3);
    appendValue(numbers, 3);   appendValue(numbers, 3);   appendValue(numbers, 3);
    swap(dna, 1, 4, 2);
    std::cout << dna << "\n";

    swap(numbers, 1, 7, 2);
    for (TIntIterator it = begin(numbers); !atEnd(it); goNext(it))
        std::cout << *it;
    std::cout << "\n";

    return 0;