Index Iterators

Learning Objective
You will know the different kinds of index indices and how to use them for searching.
1.5 h
Sequences, Iterators

Virtual String Tree Iterator

The search procedure of IndexEsa, IndexWotd, IndexDfi and FMIndex are suffix array based. This can be utilized in form of a common iterator interface. This common interface is the Virtual String Tree Iterator (VSTree Iterator) in SeqAn, which lets you access the IndexEsa, IndexWotd and IndexDfi as if using a suffix tree (Suffix Tree definition) and the FMIndex as if using a prefix trie.

In the first part of this tutorial we will concentrate on the TopDown Iterator which is one of the two index iterator specializations (besides the BottomUp Iterator). The second part will then deal with the DFS.

Top-Down Iteration

For index based pattern search or algorithms traversing only the upper parts of the suffix tree the TopDown Iterator or TopDown History Iterator is the best solution. Both provide the functions goDown and goRight to go down to the first child node or go to the next sibling. The TopDown History Iterator additionally provides goUp to go back to the parent node. The child nodes in IndexEsa indices are lexicographically sorted from first to last. For IndexWotd and IndexDfi indices this holds for all children except the first.

In the next example we want to use the TopDown Iterator to efficiently search a text for exact matches of a pattern. We therefore want to use goDown which has an overload to go down an edge beginning with a specific character.


Note that the iterator traverses the complete edge. It does not stop after the first characters if the edge represents more than one character. This is true for all tree iterators. The only exception is the iterator of the FMIndex, which is a trie iterator.

First we create an index of the text "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?"

int main ()
	typedef Index<CharString> TIndex;
	TIndex index("How many wood would a woodchuck chuck?");

Afterwards we create the TopDown Iterator using the metafunction Iterator, which expects two arguments, the type of the container to be iterated and a specialization tag (see the VSTree Iterator hierarchy and the Iterators Tutorial for more details).

	Iterator< TIndex, TopDown<> >::Type it(index);

The main search can then be implemented using the functions repLength and representative. Since goDown might cover more than one character it is necessary to compare parts of the pattern against the representative of the iterator. The search can now be implemented as follows. The algorithm descends the suffix tree along edges beginning with the corresponding pattern character. In each step the unseen edge characters have to be verified.

	CharString pattern = "wood";
	while (repLength(it) < length(pattern))
		// go down edge starting with the next pattern character
		if (!goDown(it, pattern[repLength(it)])) return 0;
		unsigned endPos = std::min((unsigned)repLength(it), (unsigned)length(pattern));
		// compare remaining edge characters with pattern
		std::cout << representative(it) << std::endl;
		if (infix(representative(it), parentRepLength(it) + 1, endPos) !=
			infix(pattern, parentRepLength(it) + 1, endPos)) return 0;

If all pattern characters could successfully be compared we end in the topmost node who’s leaves point to text positions starting with the pattern. Thus, the suffixes represented by this node are the occurrences of our pattern and can be retrieved with getOccurrences.

	// if we get here the pattern was found
	// output match positions
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(getOccurrences(it)); ++i)
		std::cout << getOccurrences(it)[i] << std::endl;

	return 0;

Program output:


Alternatively, we could have used goDown to go down the path of a pattern instead single characters:

	if (goDown(it, "wood"))
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(getOccurrences(it)); ++i)
			std::cout << getOccurrences(it)[i] << std::endl;

	return 0;

Assignment 1

Copy the code into a demo program and replace the text with a string set containing the strings "How much", "wood would" and " a woodchuck chuck?".
// FRAGMENT(includes)
#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/index.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main ()
    StringSet<String<char> > text;
    appendValue(text, "How many");
    appendValue(text, " wood would");
    appendValue(text, " a woodchuck chuck?");

	typedef Index<StringSet<String<char> > > TIndex;
	TIndex index(text);
	Iterator< TIndex, TopDown<> >::Type it(index);

	CharString pattern = "wood";
	while (repLength(it) < length(pattern))
		// go down edge starting with the next pattern character
		if (!goDown(it, pattern[repLength(it)])) return 0;
		unsigned endPos = _min(repLength(it), length(pattern));
		// compare remaining edge characters with pattern
		std::cout << representative(it) << std::endl;
		if (infix(representative(it), parentRepLength(it) + 1, endPos) !=
			infix(pattern, parentRepLength(it) + 1, endPos)) return 0;

	// if we get here the pattern was found
	// output match positions
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(getOccurrences(it)); ++i)
		std::cout << getOccurrences(it)[i] << std::endl;

	return 0;

The difference is the format of the positions of the found occurrences. Here, we need a Pair to indicate the string within the StringSet and a position within the string.

Assignment 2


Write a program that traverses the nodes of the suffix tree of "tobeornottobe" in the order shown here:


At each node print the text of the edges from the root to the node. You may only use the functions goDown, goRight, goUp and isRoot to navigate and representative which returns the string that represents the node the iterator points to.

  • Use a TopDown History Iterator.

  • The code skeleton could look like this:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <seqan/index.h>
    using namespace seqan;
    int main ()
        typedef Index<CharString> TIndex;
        TIndex index("tobeornottobe");
        Iterator< TIndex, TopDown<ParentLinks<> > >::Type it(index);
        do {
        } while (isRoot(it));
        return 0;

One iteration step of a preorder DFS can be described as follows:

  • if possible, go down one node

  • if not:

    • if possible, go to the next sibling

    • if not:

      • go up until it is possible to go to a next sibling
      • stop the whole iteration after reaching the root node

Thus, the DFS walk can be implemented in the following way:

#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/index.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main ()
	typedef Index<CharString> TIndex;
	TIndex index("tobeornottobe");
	Iterator< TIndex, TopDown<ParentLinks<> > >::Type it(index);

	do {
		std::cout << representative(it) << std::endl;
		if (!goDown(it) && !goRight(it))
			while (goUp(it) && !goRight(it)) ;
	} while (!isRoot(it));

	return 0;

Assignment 3

Modify the program to efficiently skip nodes with representatives longer than 3. Move the whole program into a template function whose argument specifies the index type and call this function twice, once for the IndexEsa and once for the IndexWotd index.

We modify the DFS traversal to skip the descent if we walk into a node whose representative is longer than 3. We then proceed to the right and up as long as the representative is longer than 3.

template < typename TIndexSpec >
void constrainedDFS ()
	typedef Index<CharString, TIndexSpec> TIndex;
	TIndex index("tobeornottobe");
	typename Iterator< TIndex, TopDown<ParentLinks<> > >::Type it(index);

	do {
		std::cout << representative(it) << std::endl;
		if (!goDown(it) || repLength(it) > 3)
			do {
				if (!goRight(it))
					while (goUp(it) && !goRight(it)) ;
			} while (repLength(it) > 3);
	} while (!isRoot(it));
	std::cout << std::endl;

int main ()
	constrainedDFS< IndexEsa<> > ();
	constrainedDFS< IndexWotd<> > ();
	return 0;


Accessing Suffix Tree Nodes

In the previous subsection we have seen how to walk through a suffix tree. We now want to know what can be done with a suffix tree iterator. As all iterators are specializations of the general VSTree Iterator class, they inherit all of its functions. There are various functions to access the node the iterator points at (some we have already seen), so we concentrate on the most important ones.

returns the substring that represents the current node, i.e. the concatenation of substrings on the path from the root to the current node
returns a position where the representative occurs in the text
returns a string of all positions where the representative occurs in the text
tests if the representative is a suffix in the text (corresponds to the shaded nodes in the Suffix Tree figures)
tests if the current node is a tree leaf
returns the substring that represents the edge from the current node to its parent (only TopDownHistory Iterator)


There is a difference between the functions isLeaf and isRightTerminal. In a relaxed suffix tree (see Suffix Tree) a leaf is always a suffix, but not vice versa, as there can be internal nodes a suffix ends in. For them isLeaf returns false and isRightTerminal returns true.

Property Maps

Some algorithms require to store auxiliary information (e.g. weights, scores) to the nodes of a suffix tree. To attain this goal SeqAn provides so-called property maps, simple Strings of a property type. Before storing a property value, these strings must first be resized with resizeVertexMap. The property value can then be assigned or retrieved via assignProperty, getProperty, or property. It is recommended to call resizeVertexMap prior to every call of assignProperty to ensure that the property map has sufficient size. The following example iterates over all nodes in preorder dfs and recursively assigns the node depth to each node. First we create a String of int to store the node depth for each suffix tree node.

int main ()
	String<char> myString = "abracadabra";

	typedef Index< String<char>, IndexWotd<> > TMyIndex;
	TMyIndex myIndex(myString);
	String<int> propMap;

The main loop iterates over all nodes in preorder DFS, i.e. parents are visited prior children. The node depth for the root node is 0 and for all other nodes it is the parent node depth increased by 1. The functions assignProperty, getProperty and property must be called with a VertexDescriptor. The vertex descriptor of the iterator node is returned by value and the descriptor of the parent node is returned by nodeUp.

	Iterator< TMyIndex, TopDown< ParentLinks<Preorder> > >::Type myIterator(myIndex);

	int depth;
	while (!atEnd(myIterator))
		if (isRoot(myIterator))
			depth = 0;
			depth = getProperty(propMap, nodeUp(myIterator)) + 1;

		resizeVertexMap(myIndex, propMap);
		assignProperty(propMap, value(myIterator), depth);


At the end we again iterate over all nodes and output the calculated node depth.

	while (!atEnd(myIterator))
		std::cout << getProperty(propMap, value(myIterator)) << '\t' << representative(myIterator) << std::endl;
	return 0;

Program output:

1       a
2       abra
3       abracadabra
2       acadabra
2       adabra
1       bra
2       bracadabra
1       cadabra
1       dabra
1       ra
2       racadabra


In SeqAn there is already a function nodeDepth defined to return the node depth.

Additional iterators

By now, we know the following iterators (\(n\) = text size, \(\sigma\) = alphabet size, \(d\) = tree depth):

Iterator specialization Description Space Index tables
BottomUpIterator postorder dfs \(\mathcal{O}(d)\) SA, LCP
TopDownIterator can go down and go right \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) SA, Lcp, Childtab
TopDownHistoryIterator can also go up, preorder/postorder dfs \(\mathcal{O}(d)\) SA, Lcp, Childtab

Besides the iterators described above, there are some application-specific iterators in SeqAn:

Iterator specialization Description Space Index tables
MaxRepeatsIterator maximal repeats \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) SA, Lcp, Bwt
SuperMaxRepeatsIterator supermaximal repeats \(\mathcal{O}(d+\sigma)\) SA, Lcp, Childtab, Bwt
SuperMaxRepeatsFastIterator supermaximal repeats (optimized for ESA) \(\mathcal{O}(\sigma)\) SA, Lcp, Bwt
MumsIterator maximal unique matches \(\mathcal{O}(d)\) SA, Lcp, Bwt
MultiMemsIterator multiple maximal exact matches (w.i.p.) \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) SA, Lcp, Bwt

Given a string s a repeat is a substring r that occurs at 2 different positions i and j in s. The repeat can also be identified by the triple (i,j,|r|). A maximal repeat is a repeat that cannot be extended to the left or to the right, i.e. s[i-1]≠s[j-1] and s[i+|r|]≠s[j+|r|]. A supermaximal repeat r is a maximal repeat that is not part of another repeat. Given a set of strings s1, ..., sm a MultiMEM (multiple maximal exact match) is a substring r that occurs in each sequence si at least once and cannot be extended to the left or to the right. A MUM (maximal unique match) is a MultiMEM that occurs exactly once in each sequence. The following examples demonstrate the usage of these iterators:

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